Make this Valentine’s Day about kindness and appreciation

be kind to yourself

Be kind to yourself and others

Valentine’s Day has different meanings for everyone. Some send messages of love to the special people their lives. Others find it a very challenging time of year – leading to feelings of loneliness. Many don’t acknowledge the day at all and view it was a commercial event.

Whatever your view of Valentine’s Day – this year we would like to propose a new tradition – using the day to think about how to show more compassion for yourself and appreciation for others.

As part of Flourish at Newcastle Hospitals, our priority is to support staff to be the best they can be. We therefore want to encourage everyone to think about how they can be kinder and more compassionate to themselves. A quick guide is available to self-compassion and why it is important, as well as some ideas on how to be kinder to yourself.

To remind everyone that self-compassion should be a priority everyday, beyond Valentine’s Day, you can also pick up one of our free Be Kind to Yourself postcards around the Trust to stick up on your wall over the next week.

Feeling connected and valued by others is also incredibly important. Please check out the Friendly February Calendar from Action for Happiness for ideas on reaching out: Action for Happiness.

You could also make someone’s day by showing your gratitude and appreciation for them or something they have done with our new You are Amazing and Thank You … postcards. The postcards are editable so you can write a personal message for a workmate and brighten up their day.

All three versions of postcards are available for free to collect across our sites over the next few days. You can also download versions you can email to your colleagues copies below. Simply insert the image into an email and write your own message:

You can request cards if needed by emailing

If you need more support, Togetherall has resources dedicated to knowing your worth & improving your self-esteem.

Join now

Whether or not Valentine’s Day is your thing – this year let’s all share the love, compassion, kindness and gratitude for ourselves and each other this February 14th.