We are a virtual social club, offering members:
- Access to a monthly lottery with £6,000 given away each month
- The opportunity to apply for subsidised events such as theatre tickets, hotel stays, social parties, day trips and much more with up to 50% off!
- Access to join our onsite 24 hr Freeman and RVI Fitness Centres for an additional £10 per month
Our Constitution
The Staff Social Club exists with the aim of providing social, cultural and recreational activities, for staff employed by the Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (NUTH), along with other qualifying members. This is to be done through the provision of activities and events and the maintenance of on-site fitness centres. Our constitution outlines how the Staff Social Club is governed and strategically managed.
Download Our Constitution & Our Strategy
Operational Policy and Membership Rules
When you join the Staff Social Club, our Fitness Centres or book onto one of our events, you agree to the terms and conditions set within the document as well as to abide by our operational policy and rules of membership.
Download the Operation Policy and Membership Rules
The Committee
The Staff Social Club Committee is made up of members of the Staff Social Club. Their role is to manage the Staff Social Club and to ensure that your fees are spent wisely and appropriately. They meet every 6 weeks to discuss upcoming events, ideas for new events and all the latest news and developments.
All members of the Committee are volunteers who give up their own time to help manage the Staff Social Club, they all have day jobs in the Trust which include a diverse range of roles.
Jane Melvin (Chair) – Director of Operations, Surgical and Specialist Services
Ivan Bradshaw (Secretary) – Fraud Specialist Manager, Finance
Honor Scrimgeour (Treasurer) – Accounts Assistant, Finance
Robert Brumpton, Dani Colvin Laws, Julie Anderson, Lorraine Olsen, Darren Beal, Danielle Smith, Joey Barton, Abby Marron, James Reed, Laura Thompson and Emily Baxter.
Click here to download the Committee role descriptionSSC Team
Katie Firth, Staff Social Club Manager
Katie manages the operational running of the Staff Social Club full time. She works closely with our committee to manage the Staff Social Club and deliver a calendar of events which meet the needs of our diverse workforce. She has a passion for enhancing the staff experience and enjoys meeting our members at events.
Sarah Legender, Senior Staff Social Club Administrator
Sarah works exclusively for the Staff Social Club and is always a friendly voice at the end of the telephone or email. Sarah administers the Staff Social Club on a daily basis including events releases, responding to queries and so much more. She is a keen gig goer and animal lover.
Find out more by emailing the team at [email protected]
You can also check our FAQs for more information