RVI Fitness Centre – Changing Facilities Refurb


Due to ongoing issues within the RVI changing facilities, the committee have decided it is appropriate to invest funds into refurbishing all changing/shower facilities (female, men & accessible).

We are working closely with the Estates Team and together have prepared an in-depth specification of the works and requirements which will be carried out by a third-party construction company.

The first phase of these works (male changing facilities) began Monday 19th February 2024 and they were completed 05/04/24.

Phase two of the works included the refurbishment of the female changing facilities, these works were complete 12/12/24.

There will be a third and final phase which will include the accessible facilities. Dates TBC.

The fitness centre will remain open throughout the works, however access to changing/shower facilities will be limited during this time. The accessible bathroom/changing room will be the only alternative for those needed to shower/change in the gym. Our advice would be to seek out alternative staff shower/changing facilities close to where you are based within the Trust.

Please note that delays are possible due to the nature of the work.

We will keep all members updated and communicate where necessary and when new information arises.

We thank you for your patience and understanding while we aim to improve these provisions for members.

Membership fees will still apply throughout the refurbishment works, however if you wish to cancel your membership for the duration of the building work, please email us at [email protected].