Annual General Meeting 2024/25

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Following our recent AGM (18/04/2024), we wanted to take the opportunity to share some highlights for the members who were unable to attend.

Last year we sold 8,286 event tickets and vouchers to places across the north east and beyond. Since COVID, we have increased the number of events available to members by 134%.

We now have 8,909 SSC members and 1,352 fitness centre members (March 2024).

We also announced and congratulated the successful candidates for this year elections. We welcomed 3 new Committee members from across the Trust, Laura Thompson, Emily Baxter and James Reed, with 2 other Committee members securing re-election, Phil Powell and Lorraine Olsen. We are now operating with a full Committee with 15 members.

The slide deck gives further information on 2023-24 projects, membership figures and our current financial position as well as work in the pipeline for 2024-25. If you are interested in receiving a copy of the AGM presentation, please request this by emailing [email protected].